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The Minstrel At Lincluden

2018-11-12T18:28:38+00:00Categories: 1794, Robert Burns Poems, Song, Type, Year|

As I stood by yonroofless tower, Where the wa'flow'r scents the dery air, Where the howletmourns in her ivy bower, And tells the midnight moon her care. Chorus-A lassie all alone, was making her moan, Lamenting our lads beyond the sea: In the bluidywars they fa', and our honour's ganean'a', And broken-hearted we maundie. The

On The Seas And Far Away

2018-11-12T18:28:37+00:00Categories: 1794, Robert Burns Poems, Song, Type, Year|

How can my poor heart be glad, When absent from my sailor lad; How can I the thought forego- He's on the seas to meet the foe? Let me wander, let me rove, Still my heart is with my love; Nightly dreams, and thoughts by day, Are with him that's far away. Chorus.-On the seas

Philly And Willy

2018-11-12T18:28:37+00:00Categories: 1794, Robert Burns Poems, Song, Type, Year|

He. O Philly, happy be that day, When roving thro' the gather'd hay, My youthfu' heart was stownaway, And bythy charms, my Philly. She. O Willy, aye I bless the grove Where first I own'd my maiden love, Whilst thou did pledge the Powers above, To be my ain dear Willy. Both. For a' the

Pretty Peg

2018-11-12T18:28:32+00:00Categories: 1794, Poem, Robert Burns Poems, Type, Year|

As I gaedup byyon gate-end, When day was waxin' weary, Whadid I meet come down the street, Butpretty Peg, my dearie! Her airsaesweet, an'shape complete, Wi' naeproportion wanting, The Queen of Love did never move Wi' motion mairenchanting. Wi'linked hands we took the sands, Adown yonwinding river; Oh, that sweet hour and shady bower, Forget


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