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Whisky Tasting London

Do you need help finding some great whiskies? Want to know more about different whisky regions? Or maybe just looking for a new favourite whisky?

Join us for a whisky tasting night before the ceilidh at Cecil Sharp House (NW1 7AY), London. Your host, Rab Young @thespiritofscotland, will introduce you to this beautiful world and community of like-minded folk!

??????? Guiding you through Scotland’s main whisky regions, you’ll learn differences between the whiskies, how to taste them, and more…

Enjoy sampling 4 special whiskies! ?
You’ll have a fun and enjoyable time making friends around the table and hearing all about Rab’s fantastic stories (and more) about the whiskies you’ll be tasting. Plus, we’ll have some lovely singers from the London Gaelic Choir (@coisirlunnainn) who will be performing in between the drinks!

This event is from 7:00pm – 8:00pm at Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent’s Park Road, London NW1 7AY.

Rab is the perfect for our whisky tasting, he is a qualified whisky taster and has been running relaxed whisky tasting sessions with folk for many years. You are most definitely in safe hands!

By the end, you will leave knowing in-depth about 4 different whiskies. Moreover, you’ll have found your favourites and, of course, made some new pals. Good for an hour of your time!

This is what Jaqueline said about our last event: Scottish whisky tasting with a good crowd of people, run by friendly Scottish men.” ??????? ?


With every ticket, you get:

+ 10% off any regular Ceilidh Club event (Cecil Sharp only)

+ 50% off the Scotch Malt 101 Course

+ a free Whisky Dictionary eBook


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