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Address Spoken by Miss Fontenelle on her Benefit Night, December 4th, 1793, at the Theatre, Dumfries.

2018-11-12T18:28:05+00:00Categories: 1793, Address, Robert Burns Poems, Type, Year|

Still anxious to secure your partial favour, And not less anxious, sure, this night, than ever, A Prologue, Epilogue, orsome such matter, 'Twould vamp my bill, said I, if nothing better; So sought a poet, roosted near the skies, Told him I came to feast my curious eyes; Said, nothing like his works was ever

Behold The Hour, The Boat Arrive

2018-11-12T18:28:07+00:00Categories: 1793, Poem, Robert Burns Poems, Type, Year|

Behold the hour, the boat arrive; Thou goest, the darling of my heart; Sever'd from thee, can I survive, ButFate has will'd and we must part. I'll often greetthe surging swell, Yondistant Isle will often hail: "E'en here I took the last farewell; There, latest mark'd her vanish'd sail." Along the solitary shore, While flitting

Had I A Cave

2018-11-12T18:28:19+00:00Categories: 1793, Robert Burns Poems, Song, Type, Year|

Had I a cave on some wild distant shore, Where the winds howl to the wave's dashing roar: There would I weep my woes, There seek my lost repose, Tillgrief my eyes should close, Ne'er to wake more! Falsest of womankind, can'st thou declare All thy fond, plighted vows fleeting as air! To thy new

Blythe Hae I been On Yon Hill

2018-11-12T18:28:18+00:00Categories: 1793, Robert Burns Poems, Song, Type, Year|

Blythe haeI been on yonhill, As the lambs before me; Careless ilka thought and free, As the breeze flew o'er me; Now naelanger sport and play, Mirth orsang can please me; Lesley is saefair and coy, Care and anguish seize me. Heavy, heavy is the task, Hopeless love declaring; Trembling, I downochtbutglow'r, Sighing, dumb despairing!

Impromptu On General Dumourier’s Desertion From The French Republican Army

2018-11-12T18:28:06+00:00Categories: 1793, Impromptu, Robert Burns Poems, Type, Year|

You're welcome to Despots, Dumourier; You're welcome to Despots, Dumourier: How does Dampiere do? Ay, and Bournonville too? Why did they not come along with you, Dumourier? I will fight France with you, Dumourier; I will fight France with you, Dumourier; I will fight France with you, I will take my chance with you; Bymy

Bonie Jean-A Ballad

2018-11-12T18:28:18+00:00Categories: 1793, Robert Burns Poems, Song, Type, Year|

There was a lass, and she was fair, At kirkor market to be seen; When a' our fairest maids were met, The fairest maid was bonie Jean. And aye she wrought her mammie's wark, And aye she sang saemerrilie; The blythest bird upon the bush Had ne'er a lighter heart than she. But hawks will

Kirk and State Excisemen

2018-11-12T18:28:11+00:00Categories: 1793, Poem, Robert Burns Poems, Type, Year|

Ye men of wit and wealth, why all this sneering 'Gainst poor Excisemen? Give the cause a hearing: What are your Landlord's rent-rolls? Taxing ledgers! What Premiers? What ev'n Monarchs? Mighty Gaugers! Nay, what are Priests? (those seeming godly wise-men,) What are they, pray, butSpiritual Excisemen!

Braw Lads O’ Galla Water

2018-11-12T18:28:10+00:00Categories: 1793, Poem, Robert Burns Poems, Type, Year|

Braw, brawlads on Yarrow-braes, They rove amangthe blooming heather; But Yarrow braes, nor Ettrick shaws Can match the lads o' Galla Water. Butthere is ane, a secret ane, Aboonthem a'I loe him better; And I'll be his, and he'll be mine, The bonielad o' Galla Water. Altho' his daddie was nae laird, And tho' I


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