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Bonie Peg-a-Ramsay

2018-11-12T18:28:43+00:00Categories: 1795, Poem, Robert Burns Poems, Type, Year|

Cauld is the e'enin blast, O'Boreas o'er the pool, An'dawin' it is dreary, When birks are bare at Yule. Cauldblaws the e'enin blast, When bitter bites the frost, And, in the mirkand dreary drift, The hills and glens are lost: Ne'er saemurky blew the night That drifted o'er the hill, ButboniePeg-a-Ramsay Gatgrist to her mill.

Crowdie Ever Mair

2018-11-12T18:28:43+00:00Categories: 1795, Poem, Robert Burns Poems, Type, Year|

O that I had ne'er been married, I wadnever had naecare, Now I've gottenwife an' weans, An'they cry "Crowdie" evermair. Chorus-Ance crowdie, twice crowdie, Three times crowdie in a day Ginye crowdie ony mair, Ye'll crowdiea'my meal away. Waefu' Want and Hunger fleyme, Glowrin' bythe hallanen'; SairI fechtthem at the door, Butaye I'm eeriethey come

Does Haughty Gaul Invasion Threat?

2018-11-12T18:28:50+00:00Categories: 1795, Robert Burns Poems, Song, Type, Year|

Does haughty Gaul invasion threat? Then let the louns beware, Sir; There's wooden walls upon our seas, And volunteers on shore, Sir: The Nith shall run to Corsincon, And Criffel sink in Solway, Erewe permit a Foreign Foe On British ground to rally! We'll ne'er permit a Foreign Foe On British ground to rally! O

Forlorn, My Love, No Comfort Near

2018-11-12T18:28:50+00:00Categories: 1795, Robert Burns Poems, Song, Type, Year|

Forlorn, my Love, nocomfort near, Far, far from thee, I wander here; Far, far from thee, the fate severe, At which I most repine, Love. Chorus-O wert thou, Love, but near me! Butnear, near, near me, How kindly thou wouldst cheer me, And mingle sighs with mine, Love. Around me scowls a wintry sky, Blasting


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