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2018-11-19T14:35:28+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|

What is #TartanFriday ? #TartanFriday puts a different spin on the orgy of consumption. Sure, we love stuff too and we're fond of a bargain, however, we think it's all got out of hand. We've got too much stuff, we haven't got room to keep, we chuck it out and then buy more. Take a

Burns Night London

2018-11-06T09:04:10+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|

Forget Blue Monday: celebrate as the Beloved Bard would have wanted - Burns Night London January for many is a depressing month – the festive celebrations are over, payday is a long way off and another year has passed with things left undone. To shake off those January blues, Ceilidh Club London is holding a

Halloween – Robert Burns

2019-10-30T11:44:55+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

Halloween - Robert Burns - Best read aloud Upon that night, when fairies light On Cassilis Downans dance, Or owre the lays, in splendid blaze, On sprightly coursers prance; Or for Colean the rout is ta'en, Beneath the moon's pale beams; There, up the Cove,to stray an' rove, Amang the rocks and streams To sport


2019-09-26T13:09:05+01:00Categories: Uncategorized|

你好!歡迎來到The Ceilidh Club。如果你有去過蘇格蘭的話,你可能已經參加過我們的Ceilidh(蘇格蘭歌舞同樂會)。如果沒有的話也不用擔心,我們所有舞會都有樂隊在現場即席伴奏,還有一位召集者(caller)事先解釋所有舞步,你跟著其他人就可以啦。 我們都很友善及很歡迎世界各國的人來我們的活動。我們大約有250從世界各地的人來參加每一次活動。 每一場舞會都是七點入場,八點至十一點跳舞。 場地有酒吧,咖啡廳和衣帽間。 我們建議你們事先買入場票,但是你們也可以在門口買票入場。(伯恩斯晚會Burns Night除外。) 在一月份和二月底我們有一個特別的晚會作伯恩斯之夜。這個晚會是記念蘇格蘭詩人羅拔·伯恩斯。晚會除了跳三個小時的舞外,我們也提供蘇格蘭傳統食物,例如雜碎羊肚(haggis),馬鈴薯(tatties)和蘿蔔(neeps)。參加者茹素的話也別怕,我們會準備素食。再者,我們會演奏蘇格蘭風笛和朗誦伯恩斯的詩集。 你可以在這裡訂入場票。希望很快在The Ceilidh Club 見到你們!   Buy Tickets

Здравствуйте и добро пожаловать в The Ceilidh Club

2017-12-06T10:33:24+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|

Здравствуйте и добро пожаловать в The Ceilidh Club (Клуб Кейли). Наш клуб - возможность прикоснуться к Шотландской культуре в Лондоне. Если вы были в Шотландии, возможно вы пробовали танцевать наш национальный танец - Кейли. Но не волнуйтесь, если вы его еще не танцевали, все движения вам объяснят, и посетители, знающие что делать, будут рады вам

Scottish Chocolate

2017-09-22T14:25:06+01:00Categories: food and drink, Uncategorized|

Scottish Chocolate is amongst the best in the world and artisan makers are springing up in the most unlikely of places. Dedicated to their craft they are bringing innovation and a level of quality that makes it stand out. In Bruntsfield in Edinburgh there are two top producers The Chocolate Tree and Coco Chocolatier. But


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