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Loomshed Brewery

2020-11-16T14:30:11+00:00Categories: food and drink, Scottish business, Uncategorized|Tags: , |

We catch up with entrepreneur and head brewer, Calum Bennett at Loomshed Brewery Hi Calum, tell us why you think Harris needs a brewery? Personally, I think everywhere should have a local brewery, it makes for a much more interesting beer scene, increases consumer choice, increases local employment and is environmentally better than importing beer.

London Scots

2019-05-06T09:41:32+01:00Categories: food and drink, London Scots, restaurants, Robert Burns, Scottish business|Tags: , , , , , |

London Scots are everywhere Golf Club, Charities, Restaurants, Monuments and Ceilidhs (!) - we review some of the more prominent sites, organisations and businesses that concern London Scots. Charities There are two charities specifically to help out London Scots: Borderline and Scots Care. Borderline's goal is to help first and second generation Scots find a

Eat Haggis

2017-08-14T14:42:28+01:00Categories: Scottish business, Scottish design|

We're focusing on the cool Scottish company Eat Haggis and their CEO Allistair kindly answers some of our questions.  How did you come up with idea for Eat Haggis? I was asked to create a St Andrews Day poster for a friend’s event. It was a few years after the original ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’

Kit Houses in Scotland

2017-06-13T11:43:30+01:00Categories: Scottish business|

So you fancy escaping your 1 bedroom flat in smog filled London  (estimated value £400,000+) and going to live on island in Scotland? Kit houses in Scotland have come a long way. Here are 12 things you should remember from a man who has built some of the most stunning houses on Skye.  All aboard for your


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